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Galaudet Gallery collaborates with diverse and innovative, local and international artists and communities using different media and genres to create thoughtful and enterprising exhibits, installations, publications and programming. We support new music and new media. We work with the Memorial Nature Fund seeking a balance between our use of resources and the conservation of them environmentally, historically and socially. We seek a renewal of an Arts and Crafts ideology with a 21st Century sensibility encouraging the creation, collection, and appreciation of art, craft and what is coming next.

On View

Vicki Milewski

Suffragettes and Hearts merges artists who work toward equity bringing the power of symbols and emotions to work for the common good.  Suffragettes Dancing with the Dawn collection by artist Vicki Milewski works with hearts from artists like Jim Dine, Sophia Webster and Liz Alcyone in paintings, drawings, jewelry, video, photos and music energizing the Suffragettes of the 21st Century to continue moving toward a place where everyone is known and valued.

Cocktail reception and poem slip installation, Friday October 4th, 6-9pm



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