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MAYFIELD is a multi-use space housed in a near west suburb of Chicago. It’s a private residence & public site collectively organized by members of the Aguilar family. It functions as a studio, a museum, an exhibition space, a gym, a bath house, a car port, an office, a small press, a library, a recording studio, a residency, a badminton court, a fire pit, a dining hall, a deck, a stage, a kitchen, a workshop and possibly other things.

On view

Subject: Yawn Sigh
Featuring Andi Crist, Regin Igloria, Jeremy Carter, James Jonkowiak and others

Dear (blank),

We are writing to invite you to be in a group exhibition to take place on the grounds of Mayfield where 13 artists will make public declarations using the format of the lawn sign. As a way of conjuring ideas in you we put forth these examples of past and established signage: political sign, directional sign, street sign, protest sign, homeless sign, picket sign, hand painted sign, classified sign, advertisement, billboard, motivational sign, marriage proposal sign, lost pet sign, for sale sign, for rent sign, solicitor sign and instructional sign. The exhibition will take place from September 7- November 8, 2024 with an opening reception on September 7, 2024 from 2-6pm at Mayfield. Please let us know if you are interested/ available in being part of this exhibition. We look forward to hearing from you.




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