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Carla Acevedo Yates's Curated Gallery Walk

Carla Acevedo Yates

Carla Acevedo-Yates is the Marilyn and Larry Fields Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. She has curated over thirty exhibitions, including solo presentations on the work of David Lamelas, Johanna Unzueta, Claudia Peña Salinas, Duane Linklater, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, and Carolina Caycedo. In 2015 she was awarded a Creative Capital | Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant for an article on Cuban painter Zilia Sánchez. Recently, she curated the group exhibition Forecast Form: Art in the Caribbean Diaspora, 1990s-Today which initially opened at the MCA Chicago and traveled to ICA Boston and MCA San Diego, as well as entre horizontes: Art and Activism Between Chicago and Puerto Rico. She is the inaugural recipient of the CCS Bard Alumni Award, which recognizes an outstanding graduate of the Center for Curatorial Studies for sustained innovation and engagement in exhibition-making, public education, research, and a commitment to the field.