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S.Y. Lim's Curated Gallery Walk

S.Y. Lim

S.Y. Lim (@hithisissy) is an artist, independent curator, and arts organizer based in Chicago and Seoul. Lim is a founder and Director of 062, a 501(c)(3) artist-run space, where she has organized exhibitions with local and international artists. Her practice focuses on emerging artists and under-recognized artists. In partnership with the Tokyo Art Book Fair, she recently curated Arts For Sale, a solo exhibition of Thomas Kong, at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. In November, she will be organizing a group show Chicago at the Casemore Gallery in San Francisco. As a Director of Programming at the Public Media Institute, she co-directs MdW and Co-Prosperity. MdW is a regional arts coalition centered in Chicago and spanning across the Midwest. Co-Prosperity is an experimental cultural center located in Bridgeport , Chicago.